Terms and Conditions of API Service Use

The person using API service of the web-site (hereinafter referred to as the Service) located at https://hh.ru (hereinafter referred to as the Web-site) for functioning of its Application (see below) may be any Internet user meeting the requirements of API Service Use Terms and Conditions and having accepted them (hereinafter referred to as the Application Developer).

The owner of the Service is Headhunter Limited Liability Company, INN 7718620740 (hereinafter referred to as HeadHunter).

Service use shall mean consent of the Application Developer to the below conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions).

1. Procedure to Start Using the Service

1.1. To start using the Service, the Application Developer shall, through his/her accounting information on the Web-site, pass the procedure of computer program registration which will subsequently interact (use API) with the Service at the software level (hereinafter referred to as the Application) on the Web-site at https://dev.hh.ru and obtain the unique API key.

1.2. If at the moment of Application registration on the Web-site (Clause 1.1) the Application Developer does not have its own accounting information on the Web-site, it should get it at: http://hh.ru/auth/applicant (for the applicants) or http://hh.ru/auth/employer (for the employers, recruitment agencies, private recruiters).

1.3. In case of grounds set forth in Clauses 1.6., 2.3. and Sections 3, 4 hereof, HeadHunter may refuse any Application Developer to register any its Application on the Web-site, to obtain API key and, therefore, further use the Service without and compensation or related reimbursement.

1.4. If the Application is oriented, in full or in any part, towards the individuals who use the Application for search for the job and employment, the Application Developer shall include into the registration form for the new users of its Application which will use the Service the check box or text field informing the end user of the Application that by registering he/she confirms that he/she has read, fully agrees and accepts the terms and conditions of the Employment Assistance Service Agreement (Offer). The end users of such an Application should be provided with the technical possibility to read on the screen of the respective device on which such an Application is installed the text of the Employment Assistance Service Agreement (Offer) itself. Its text should be displayed when clicking the link with the following sign (text): Employment Assistance Service Agreement (Offer). The address of the above link to the text of the Employment Assistance Service Agreement (Offer) shall be https://hh.ru.

1.5. The end users of the Application can be both the legal entities and individuals who are employers or organizations that provide staff recruitment and search services and / or job search and employment services (staffing companies), and applicants. If the end users of the Application are the organizations and individuals being the employers or HR agencies, such persons may use the Service only for the purpose of attraction of potential employees and their subsequent employment directly by such legal entities (individuals) or the customers of such HR agencies.

1.6. If HeadHunter has grounds to believe that the Application Developer or the end user of the Application may potentially use the Service not only for the purposes of attraction of potential employees and their subsequent employment (for example, evaluation of creditworthiness and credit rating of the applicant, marketing surveys of consumer preferences of applicants, advertisement promotion and advertisement mailing without the consent of recipients, and other cases of use of the data not connected with attraction of potential employees and employment of applicants), HeadHunter may, at any time (including at the stage of Application registration), refuse the Application Developer to use the Service without any related compensation or reimbursement. HeadHunter shall find out the actual features of the Application and its actual target use which allow to use it by the Application Developer or the end user of the Application not only for the purposes of attraction of potential employees and their subsequent employment both at the moment of considering the respective request of the Application Developer for Application registration and subsequently after registration of such Application and receipt of the unique API key. Such determination of actual features of the Application and its actual target use shall be carried out both on the basis of information provided by the Application Developer itself and public information available on the Internet and other sources of information on such application and experience of its use by end users and as the result of independent testing of such Application by HeadHunter.

1.6.1. The examples of use by the Application Developer or the end user of the Application of the Service for the purposes of attraction of potential employees and their subsequent employment may be the following functional features of the Application or its target use by end users: publication of vacancies, invitation of applicant to the published vacancy, search in database of CVs of applicants for subsequent contact for the purpose of employment of the applicant at the published vacancy and similar actions aimed at attraction of potential employees and employment of applicants.

1.7. In case of grounds set forth in Clauses 1.6., 2.3. and Sections 3, 4 hereof, HeadHunter shall notify the Application Developer by e-mail on refusal to register any its Application on the Web-site, to obtain API key and, therefore, further use the Service specifying certain violations and the procedure of appealing against such decision.

1.8. In case of refusal to register any Application on the Web-site, to obtain API key and, therefore, further use the Service, the Application Developer may appeal against such decision by sending the respective repeated electronic request for register the Application on a special page at https://dev.hh.ru/admin with attachment of justifications and/or proof that such decision was erroneous. The requests shall be considered individually but the total term for response may not exceed 15 calendar days.

2. Rights and Obligations of HeadHunter

2.1. The Service is provided “as-is” without any warranties on the part of HeadHunter.

2.2. HeadHunter does not warrant that the software of the Service, Web-site, server and computer networks used by the Service and the Web-site are free from errors and computer viruses. If the use of the Service resulted in loss of data or damage to the equipment, HeadHunter shall not bear any liability.

2.3. In case of breach by the Application Developer (including the obligations of the Application Developer in respect of the Application itself) of the requirements of Clauses 1.4., 1.5., 1.6., Sections 3, 4 hereof, HeadHunter may, at any time and sending the notice containing references to certain violations committed and violated provisions of Clauses 1.4., 1.5., 1.6., Sections 3, 4 hereof and hyperlink to these Terms and Conditions by e-mail to the Application Developer, suspend the possibility to use the Service by the Application Developer or its separate functions, validity of the unique API key provided during registration of the respective Application. After such suspension the Application Developer shall have 15 calendar days from the moment of such suspension to eliminate the detected violations. In case of elimination of such violations within the set term, the Application Developer shall so inform HeadHunter as provided below, and operation of the Application or its separate functions, validity of the unique API key after check by HeadHunter of correctness of corrections made by the Application Developer (the terms of check may not exceed 15 calendar days) shall be restored.

If the Application Developer failed to eliminate the violations within the set term, or the information from the Application Developer on elimination of violations was not proven in the course of check by HeadHunter, the possibility to use the Service by the Application Developer or its separate functions, validity of the unique API key provided during registration of the respective Application shall be terminated.

The Application Developer may appeal against the decision on suspension and termination of possibility to use the Service by the Application Developer or its separate functions, validity of the unique API key provided during registration of the respective Application by sending the respective repeated electronic request to register the Application on a special page at https://dev.hh.ru/admin with attachment of justifications and/or proof that such decision was erroneous. The requests shall be considered individually but the total term for response may not exceed 15 calendar days.

2.4. HeadHunter may at any time, at its discretion and without warning from the Application Developer, make changes to the Service (its functionality, technical conditions and usage requirements, interface, etc.).

2.5. HeadHunter may at any time at its discretion enter a fee for obtaining a separate functionality of the Service.

2.6. Possibility to receive separate API functionality may be limited by HeadHunter. The rules and procedures to get the possibility to use such separate API functionality shall be determined by HeadHunter. HeadHunter may refuse any Application Developer and/or any Application to use separate API functionality access (possibility) to which is limited by HeadHunter. In case of imposition of limitations on possibility to get a separate functionality of the Service, HeadHunter shall notify the Application Developer by e-mail on such limitation and the reasons why such limitation was imposed. In case the limitation to get separate functionality is not connected with termination of its support by HeadHunter for all application developers, the Application Developer may appeal against such decision by sending the respective electronic request on a special page at https://dev.hh.ru/admin with attachment of justifications and/or proof that such decision was erroneous. The requests shall be considered individually but the total term for response may not exceed 15 calendar days.

2.7. HeadHunter may independently determine the technical requirements for the Application Developer to use the Service.

2.8. Notices, messages and other information sent in compliance with these Terms and Conditions by HeadHunter to the Application Developer shall be sent by HeadHunter to the e-mail address of the user who registered the Application. The Application Developer shall bear liability for keeping updated the data on the e-mail address of the user who registered the Application.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Application Developer

3.1. The Application Developer shall be responsible for the use, safety and confidentiality of unique API key received by it.

3.2. The Application Developer may not use the Service in the ways which infringe the rights and legal interest of HeadHunter and third parties, violate legislation on personal data, any other legislation of the Russian Federation and other countries and the requirements of these Terms and Conditions.

3.3. It is prohibited to use any materials received through the Service from the Web-Site for any purposes other than those corresponding to the subject-matter of the Web-site (search for job, employees, obtain information on the labor market).

3.4. The Application Developer may not use any trademarks and trade name of HeadHunter in the Application (s).

3.5. It is prohibited to the Application Developer to hide the Application (s) in any applications of HeadHunter itself or otherwise mislead the end users of the Application in respect of the developer or owner (right holder) of the Application.

3.6. It is prohibited to the Application Developer to collect, store and otherwise process the accounting information (logins and passwords) of the users of the Web-Site, including prohibition to do so using the Service or the Application.

3.7. The Application Developer may not, through API functionality, grant access to the CVs from the data base of the Web-Site to those end users of the Web-Site who at the given moment do not receive the service of access to the database of the Web-site in the respective scope from HeadHunter under the conditions of the respective agreement concluded with HeadHunter.

3.8. The Application Developer may use the Application for own (personal) need provided that such use does not violate and does not conflict with these Terms and Conditions and the applicable legislation.

3.9. The Application Developer may, in case of disagreement with refusal to register its Application and to provide to it the unique API key, apply again for registration of such Application by eliminating the reasons which, under these Terms and Conditions, served as the ground for refusal to register its Application and to provide to it the unique API key.

3.10. It is prohibited to the Application Developer to disseminate unreliable information on the Application or mislead about the functionalities of the Application, for example, to promise something that violates the conditions of the service of https://hh.ru.

3.11. It is prohibited to the Application Developer to make changes of materials that are obtained through the Service from the Site. The Application developer is obliged to monitor the relevance of the above materials, including timely removal of vacancies that have been moved to the archive.

4. Obligations of the Application Developer in respect of Application itself

4.1. The Application may not contain the functions which allow the users of the Application to violate the Terms and Conditions of Use of hh.ru, available to the public at http://hh.ru/terms.

4.2. The Application may not be presented as the official product, service, application of Headhunter LLC.

4.3. The Application shall not give the possibility to download (receive, retrieve) the data for formation of another database for provision of data from such created database (access to the database) to other persons.

4.4. The Application shall not contain third-party directories, code fragments not directly related to its functioning, including those exploiting the computing power of the user’s device without his/her knowledge.

4.5. It is prohibited to store and use the data obtained using the Application for the purposes other than the subject matter of https://hh.ru, namely, contact of the potential employer with the potential applicant for the purpose of subsequent employment

4.6. It is prohibited to transfer the data obtained using the Service from the databases and web-sites belonging to HeadHunter and used for operation of the Service to third-party services for use. The only users of data obtained using the Application may be the registered users of https://hh.ru, for whom receipt of data was initiated. This provision shall not apply to transmission (use) of other data, including the conditions of this Clause shall not prevent the Application from participating in public ratings with transmission for this purpose of data on the number of downloads of the Application by end users, frequency of use or the number of end users of the Application, and other ratings showing popularity of the Application among the end users.

4.7. It is prohibited to use the user data for advertisement (without the consent of recipients; for example, in the form of spam mailing) or political or other propaganda purposes.

4.8. It is prohibited to violate the rights and interests of third parties when creating and using the Application. If the Application uses any trademarks, service marks, copyrights, characters and any other content the exclusive rights to which belong to third-party right holders, such use should be agreed upon with the corresponding right holders — so that, at the request of HeadHunter, the Application Developer could at any time provide the permit to use such materials from the corresponding right holders.

4.9. The Application shall not cause any active actions in API without the knowledge of authorized users and without their consent.

4.10. These Terms and Conditions shall not prohibit placement of advertisement blocks (advertisement showing) in the Application itself for the purposes of showing it to end users, provided that the requirements of the laws of advertisement are met.

5. Miscellaneous

5.1. HeadHunter may, at any time at its own discretion and without agreement with the Application Developer, introduce amendments into these Terms and Conditions. In this case, amendments and supplements shall come into force from the moment of their publication on the Web-site.

5.2. Use by the Application Developer (and exercise by the Application Developer of rights and obligations stipulated by these Terms and Conditions) after any amendments to these Terms and Conditions shall mean consent of the Application Developer to such amendments and/or supplements.

5.3. If the Application Developer does not agree to use the Service after introduction of amendments into these Terms and Conditions and/or to comply with these Terms and Conditions after the amendments, the Application Developer shall stop using the Service.

5.4. These Terms and Conditions and relations between the Application Developer and HeadHunter, including those not covered by these Terms and Conditions, shall be governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. All disputes and discrepancies between the Application Developer and HeadHunter shall be settled through negotiations.

5.6. In case of impossibility to settle the disputes between the Application Developer and HeadHunter through negotiations, they shall be settled in court at the place of state registration of HeadHunter in the order established by the current procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. The disputes hereunder may be transferred for settlement to the court after the parties have taken measures for extra-judicial settlement upon expiration of thirty calendar days from the date of sending the claim (demand).